Trace elements
Nettle leafy tops – source of polyvitamins, contains chlorophyll. It favourably affects the blood picture.
Peppermint leafy tops – its botanical name originates from “Mentha” – the name of a goddess of the ancient Greece, and from an adjective meaning “peppered” or “spicy”. In Ancient Rome peppermint was used not only as an appetite stimulating agent but also as a cleaning and digestion stimulating agent taken at the end of the feasts. Refreshing aftertaste is a peculiar characteristic to peppermint. This herb contains ethereal oils known for its soothing effect.
Caraway-seeds – decreases processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. It contains flavonids, essential oil, proteins and tanning agents.
Dill-seeds – popular spice used in everyday diet. It contains essential oil and minerals. It is used for hypertension treatment.
Alder stem – contains tanning agents and flavonids. It is used as a diaphoretic.
Birch leaves – contains C vitamin. It increases human body’s resistance against infectious diseases, as well improves blood-vessels carrying capacity.
Bracket-fungus – minerals, microelements. It stimulates the human body’s overall biological protective function.
Dried lime-blossoms – known owing to its honey aroma, which is used for cold treatment. It contains C vitamin. It is used as a bactericide and diaphoretic.
Red whortleberries (or cowberries) – contains flavonids, tanning agents. This diuretic is used for urolithiasis treatment.
Plantain – contains potassium, zinc, rhodonite and proteins. It is used for respiratory tracts treatment.
Chicory roots – used for body’s metabolism improvement.
Calamus roots – known for its soothing effect on central nervous system.
Calendula – used as a resolvent, known owing to it antiphlogistic effect.
Coltsfoot – resolvent, emollient effect, used for appetite stimulating.
Juniper berries – seasoning, used for cough treatment.
Yarrow leafy tops – favourably affects the whole body, contains K and C vitamins.
Camomile – one of the most popular herb-tea, which has gained its reputation since the ancient times. Its name originates from a Greek word translated as “ground apple”, therefore mentioning aroma typical to its flowers. Magical properties were arrogated to this herb. In 17 century in England camomile was considered a panacea against every disease. Nowadays it is still highly respected all over the world owing to its soothing properties. It is used as antiallergen and antiseptic. Recommended for people diagnosed with overfatigue and in case of physical overload.
Meadow-sweet – contains essential oil, C vitamin. Is used in cases of over-excitation and insomnia.
Willow bark – known for its antiseptic, constringent, antiphlogistic and soothing effect.
Motherwort leafy tops – sedative/ soothing effect on central nervous system. It contains C vitamin. Used in cases of over-excitation of nervous system.
Oak bark – contains tanning agents, known for constringent and antimicrobial effect.
Elm roots – antiphlogistic effect. It contains essential oils.